Php mysql with abyss web server
Php mysql with abyss web server

php mysql with abyss web server

In PHP main folder, copy php.ini-recommended, rename it to php.ini and paste it into your windows folder which can be found in your local disk C:\ Go to the C:\PHP\ext folder, copy php_mysql.dll and paste in into the PHP main folder C:\PHP Create a new folder and name it PHP in your Local Disk C:\ and extract PHP 5.2.5 into the PHP folder. You are now done with your MySql Database. After you have done, click Apply Changes. As for the level, put 99 for adminstrator.


Change the newly created empty column number id to 2000000 and choose a username and password for your GM account. To make a gm Account, Right click on any place between the white screen, click create new column. To edit the login table, click once on edit on the bottom, look at column 1 and change the username s1, password p1 to the username and password you used eariler in your char_athena and map_athena. Search for a database named login and click 4 times on it. There should be some database files shown on your right column.

php mysql with abyss web server

Now back to ragnarok database, right click on Ragnarok database and click refresh. Once it is done, click once on log database and make sure it is bold, Go to menu, File, Open Script and choose logs.sql and click on the Green Execute Button. Once you are done, right click on ant database and choose Create New Schema, type in log and click ok. Do the same with Mail.sql and some latest upgrade.sql. Once it is done loading, click on the Green Execute Button on your upper right hand corner and it should do some executing. When you are inside the sql-files folder with your MySQL Query Browser, click on Main.sql and click open. Go to menu, click File, Open Script and search for a folder named sql-files which should be in your eAthena Server Folder. Click once on the Ragnarok Database on your right column and make sure it is bold. You should now be inside MySQL Query Browser. Password: Ĭlick yes to create a new ragnarok schema. After you open MySQL Query Browser, a window should prompt out, it should be like: If you cant find it in your desktop, try finding it from yourĬ:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0

php mysql with abyss web server

Open MYSQL Query Browser from your desktop. When you are done, exit MYSQL Adminstrator. Go to your left column and look for User Adminstration and click on the New User button.Ĭlick Apply Changes when you are done. Click ok and you should now be in MYSQL Adminstrator. Password: (enter the password you have created before for the user root) Open MySql Adminstrator and it will prompt out a window, Type in the Host Name, Username and password as shown below. If any errors occurs, uninstall MYSQL and reinstall everything again. Click Execute and after its done, click finish.

php mysql with abyss web server

Do not change the username and this username and password would be used later as your database login. Just enter any password for this root user. Under Service Name Column, Choose MYSQL5 and then click Next. You can just choose standard configuration and click Next. This would be up to you to choose any of it. Now you can choose Detailed Configuration or Standard Configuration. When the installation finished, Tick Configure the MySQL Server now and click Finish. Choose to skip sign up and then click Next. Please NOTE that: For other type of operating system, check this website: Link Download MySQL 5.0.27, MySQL GUI Tools 5.0-r8 (for windows) Remeber to remove // for char_ip and map_ip and change the to the same internet ip you used eariler on in your char_athena. Edit userid and passwd to the same username and password you used eariler on for your char_athena. Remeber to remove // for login_ip and char_ip and change the to your internet(wan) ip. You will need this later on in your MySql Database. Edit userid and passwd to any username and password you can remeber. Server Communication username and erid: s1 passwd: p1 Now Edit this few lines in char_nf and map_nf.

Php mysql with abyss web server