(F/N) shut the convenience store door behind him and stepped over the robbers body, the police would deal with him. As the robber passed him (F/N) stuck out his foot, the robber tripped and hit his head on the sidewalk. The robber grabbed the dollar bills, he ran towards the door, (F/N) moved out of the way. (F/N) slowly lowered his arm, the clerk opened the drawer and handed over all the money in the drawer. (F/N) stuck out his hand, he looked at the robber, he thought about using his other set of powers, but he couldn't.the burden of using them was just to much. The robber seemed to be getting impatient, "Hurry up!" The clerk was in tears, he moved over to the register, slowly, he started fiddling with the machine. The robber had just fired a warning shot at the wall behind the clerk, "Money NOW!" (F/N) opened the door, a large bang erupted behind him, (F/N) looked behind him. (F/N) started walking to the door, this didn't concern him, it wasn't his job to fix it, most robbers were all talk anyway. The clerk jumped back from the counter in shock, "No, please I have a family!" The robber pulled out a gun, "All the money in the register now!" (F/N) sighed, he stepped away from the counter, another robbery. Right before he could pull anything out, someone barged into the store, he was wearing a mask. (F/N) dug into his pocket for some money, he wanted to pay even though he probably would get away with stealing. (F/N) sighed and grabbed a soda from off the shelf, he pocketed the soda and walked up to the counter.

(F/N) didn't respond, he didn't speak unless he absolutely had to, the clerk looked around the store, not seeing anyone, eventually the clerk just shrugged and went back to the paper he had been reading.

The clerk looked at the door confused, he hadn't seen anyone come in, "Hello?" (F/N) walked inside the convenience store, he needed food, the clerk looked up at the door, when it opened. (F/N) had the power of invisibility, he didn't like to be seen, people stared at his scars, they looked at him like he was a freak, it was easier to just be ignored. (F/N) was a super powered individual, one of the most powerful in existence in fact. (F/N) walked along the streets, he kept to himself, he didn't look at anyone and no one looked at him.