YOU MADE DRAGON HITLER-STALIN FALL IN LOVE WITH ME, OP. It is inaccurate to call him 'loyal' as he does not subordinate under any willing circumstances, so much as he is a word-keeper in the technical sense, with how far beyond the technical he will honor depending on pragmatic allowance and his personal like of the individual involved." In some ways genresavvy to the breaking point between intelligence and outright meta awareness, but also befit with crippling blind spots in personal people-skills and difficulty in realization of details in larger plans due to sometimes excessive meddling. A raging flame and outstanding personality. Crafty, subversive, unafraid to go loud if need be but not inclined to do so otherwise. Pragmatic rather than outright malevolent, but with alien scruples and very heavy neuroses largely only restrained in this by outstanding success. Entirely self-convinced of manifest destiny to rule creation and of creation's destiny to be bootheels under his dubious guidance. An imperialist, fascist and overall totalitarian. "A great red wyrm with hooked black beak and disturbingly fluidic-looking eyes like polished orbs of gleaming tar. This will be horrible to live through, and awesome to read about. This is like a 16 year old girl attached to me who happens to be nearly unkillable to most people and has access to enough firepower every day to level a mid sized village, as well as acid breath, who's infatuation with me is based on me being different enough culturally and behaviorally to keep her ADHD focused on me. Said dragon is now in love with me, Apocalypse level bad. Said dragon has a tendency to do things that cause people to drive it away or hunt it down, bad. Lets see, I just managed to get stuck in a fantasy world during a plot cycle, bad. Surprisingly cares about orphans a lot due to background of being one.' Rather immature really, not evil but not really good. Pretty much goes where whimsy or rumors of cool sounding stuff takes her. Likes what gold can buy, but hordes cool experiences and stories rather then cash or gems. Obsidian scales just starting to dull a bit around the edges. Easily distracted by new things and loves blowing things up with magic or melting them with her breath weapon. Basically paling around with me because I'm not the usual. I'm frantically biting my nails to see where D3 (unreleased at this time) fits into things. If you've played or like Nier, the final (super bad) ending of Drakengard is actually what *causes* Nier.ĭ2 has better controls but (imho) a worse story.
Drakengard 3 dlc lp archive upgrade#
The bonus endings are "oh god what the fuck" Berserk-tier, and awesome but some are imfuckingpossible to get (max upgrade every weapon in the game, takes HOURS AND HOURS of grinding). The first ending you get is the canon ending, and kinda meh.
However! The story is totally fucking cool, and 90% of the time you can say "fuck this" and summon your dragon and fly around breathing hellfire on people.
Sometimes it can be downright frustrating. Mechanically, there's nothing special about it. It basically plays like a really, really bizarre Dynasty Warriors with RPG elements. If you grew up playing video games and can handle some kinda shitty controls, then you'll like it. What do you do now? You're in a world of peril and your first companion is a reptile that's desperate for your attention. The dragon you just described? It fell in love with you at first sight regardless of your differences. Write down kind of dragon it is, what it looks like, and it's personality.ĭo not read ahead until you do the stated above. Take a moment to visualize the dragon and give it a personality of your choosing. The dragon then offers to let you travel with it without specifying a timeframe or event where the partnership would end. You are happened upon by benign dragon who takes pity on your situation. After realizing that you're not the hero they were looking for, your summoners abandon you. You've been mistakenly summoned to a traditional fantasy (Elves, dwarves, magic, the whole nine yards) world where an old evil is slowly beginning to awaken with nothing but the clothes on your back.